Since 2006, Skip N Scot Ranch owners Carole and Glen McNitt, have bred and trained "Skipper W" Quarter Horses as pure as possible. We do very little outcrossing, since 'Skippers' have been used extensively to improve other bloodlines, thus diluting the Wiescamp blood. We believe that Hank Wiescamp was right: "The best horse to cross on a Skipper is another Skipper." Why try to improve upon perfection?! We try to emulate what the great breeders said back in the day: "Breed like to like, with as few flaws as possible, then you'll get a pasture full of lookalike horses you love to look at." So that's exactly what we did. And that's exactly what we have! Pastures full of the most all-around athletic horses with those beautiful Skipper W heads and dispositions, lots of colors and chrome, and those wonderful, willing to please attitudes that made the Skipper horses famous! So, if you ever meet someone who had a Skipper W, they will always say: "Oh my gosh, I had a Skipper W and it was the best horse I ever had!" We think so too. So don't you need a Skipper W or two in your pastures?! Please leave us a message below and we'll get right back to you. Enjoy our website and be sure to look at our gallery of lookalike Skippers, Stallions, Mares, Horses in Training, and of course, the Babies!